Refund Request

The following information details how a refund request is processed:

  • Provided, the fee charged is deemed to be an unallowable fee
  • Complete the Account Refund/Request Form below and press the submit button.
  • You will receive an automatic reply that the school has opened an investigation into your request.
  • All investigations should be completed and if a refund is due it is paid within 30 days.
  • Parents are responsible for making sure the school has complete and current address information.
  • If the refund is mailed and it is not deliverable, the school will attempt to reach the parent by email.
  • The school will advise the parent that an attempt was made and now the parent must schedule an appointment to pickup their refund from the school.
  • In cases where we are unable to make contact with the parent,
    1. The school will call the parent or/and send an email and reverify our address information.
    2. The school will attempt to reach the parent, however after two mailouts and no response to our call or email the school will deem their efforts compliant with the acceptable standards of attempted delivery.
    3. The refund check will be held as part of the student files and should the school receive a records request form any school, we will obtain a forwarding address and attempt to send the refund to the new address.